紫外線照射台UV LightBox ( UV Transiluminator )3
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首頁 商品介紹 儀器 實驗常用設備/器材 紫外線照射台UV LightBox ( UV Transiluminator )

紫外線照射台UV LightBox ( UV Transiluminator )

1. 紫外線雙波長: UVB/306nm
2. 15W紫外燈x6支
3. 紫外線外洩安全顯示
4. 磁性工作台:150x300mm,
5. 紫外線觀看區=200x200mm
6. 抗UV透明保護蓋31X34cm,可固定斜角度
7. 兩種紫外線強度切換:可選擇強100% , 弱30%

1. Wavelength: 306nm (or 254nm, 365nm)
2. Size: 50(w)  x 32(D) x 15 (H) cm
3. View size: 20x20cm (or 20x35cm)
4.Light source: 15W x 6 tubes
5. Light intensity: high & low selectable
6. Fast lighting up: lighting up at oncewhen switch on and no blink
7. Extra magnetic working area for  tube rack or operating tool
8. Big size UV resistant plastic cover 30x34cm
9. Cool fan is included
10. Closed UV view : 4 sides of cover stop UV
11. Safety device: UV leakage indicator will have color change, if 
      UV come out from plastic cover 
12. UV resistant cover can be adjusted and stay at any angle when open.